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Pap smear

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Pap smear Empty Pap smear

Post by octavia Wed 15 Apr 2009, 12:38 pm

kepada semua mlt kt cni ade sape2 yg blh tlg bg info :

perbezaan antara teknik konventional pep dengan thin- pep smear..

kerjasama dr pihak anda amat saya hargai huhu sekian terima kasih.

Negeri : Pap smear Selang10
Jawatan : lanun
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 233
Umur : 39
Tarikh Register : 30/01/2008
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Mutiara Kata saya: Without passion, you don't have energy; without energy, you have nothing. Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.

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Pap smear Empty Re: Pap smear

Post by tkr Wed 15 Apr 2009, 7:51 pm


sampel dari pangkal servik, guna spatula, smerkan pada slide, pastu spatula dibuang, slide stain dan dibaca.


1. sampel smer pada spatula hampir 80% dibuang dan 20% digunakan
2. 20% ini (kuantiti yg kecil) yg dismer sukar utk mendapatka abnormalitinya
3. sel boleh menjadi kering dan pecah
4. gagal kesan sel abnormal
1. sampel tak ambil dgn betul
2. sampel tak cukup=false negative
3. penyediaan slide tak betul


sampel ambil macam konvesional, dan dimasukkan ke dalam alat (macam selinder). dalamnya ada buffer dan filter. Filter akan menapis blood, pus dan bahan asing lain. Selepas sel tulin diperolehi, ianya di letak atas slide dgn menekan alat tersebut (macam buat biskut) lapisan sel yg nipis dan cantik diperolehi. Bukan kita yg tekan, tapi menggunakan mesin berkomputer. pastu stain macam biasa.


1. jumlah blood, pus, yeast, bakteria, mukus, inflammation dan bahan yg tak diperlukan dapat dikurangkan
2. lapisan sel yg nipis dapat disediakan pada slide

penyediaan slide menggunakan processor. Kat malaysia (negara membangun, walaupun krisis ekonomi global melanda, malaysia tak terjejas...kata PM) masih belum ada alat ini. Pap smer masih menggunakan kaedah konvensional.

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Jumlah Post : 59
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Tarikh Register : 01/09/2008
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Pap smear Empty Teruskan bincang pasal Cytology Pap smear.

Post by atokpencen Wed 01 Jul 2009, 9:20 am

Excuse me. Cyto bukan kepakaran atok, atok baru blaja.
1. Apa gia maksud itu " pyknotic" itu?
2. Macammana nak lapor pep smear yang normal aje mikroskopinya, tolong bagi contoh.
3. Apa ciri sel yg berubah dengan hormon kitar haid? Tolong gia explain.

Jawatan : Ukir pokok getah, potong rumput
Gender : Male
Jumlah Post : 325
Umur : 64
Tarikh Register : 06/04/2009
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Pap smear Empty Re: Pap smear

Post by momong Mon 20 Jul 2009, 11:41 pm

Pyknotic = Small dense dark nuclear staining of the
squamous superficial cells.

Negeri : Pap smear Sabah_10
Jawatan : c'ni makmal
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 133
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Tarikh Register : 25/03/2009
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Mutiara Kata saya: Happiness keeps you sweet,Trails keep you strong,Sorrows keep you human,Failures keep you humble,Success keeps you Glowing,But GOD keeps you going...

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Pap smear Empty Re: Pap smear

Post by momong Tue 21 Jul 2009, 12:11 am

Apa ciri sel yg berubah dengan hormon kitar haid?
Atok…aku x pasti samada ini dpt mmbantu atau
x, tapi just copypaste dr notaku masa brgelar student saja la a…

Sexual maturity

Normal Cytohormon Pattern

Menstrual phase (day 1-5)

-RBC, WBC, Endometrials cells,
Superficial cells & Intermediate cells.

Proliferative (Follicullar phase) (day

-↑ histiocytes

-Polymorphonuclears, Intermediate
cells, Superficial cells, & Endometrial cells.

Ovulation (day 11-13)

-Superficial cells.

Secretory (Luteal phase) (day 14-28)

-Intermediate cells, Navicullar cells,

-Doderlein’s bacilli.


-Terdapat perubahan corak smear,
biasanya pada parabasal (atropik) yang mengandungi glycogen & berbentuk

-Cytoplasm with pinkish stain.

-Lactational/Postpartum cell.

-Expulsion of placenta.

Early post-menopause

-Many Intermediate cell.


-Mixed pattern: all 3 types are

-Parabasal with reddish orange
cytoplasm & pyknotic nucleus. This pattern called ‘red atrophy’.

Negeri : Pap smear Sabah_10
Jawatan : c'ni makmal
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 133
Umur : 39
Tarikh Register : 25/03/2009
Reputation : 0
Points : 5880

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Mutiara Kata saya: Happiness keeps you sweet,Trails keep you strong,Sorrows keep you human,Failures keep you humble,Success keeps you Glowing,But GOD keeps you going...

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Pap smear Empty TQ Momong, anda memang sifu

Post by atokpencen Tue 21 Jul 2009, 12:10 pm

Akan atok tanya lagi selepas master normal cells tu.

Jawatan : Ukir pokok getah, potong rumput
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Tarikh Register : 06/04/2009
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Pap smear Empty Re: Pap smear

Post by atokpencen Tue 28 Jul 2009, 2:24 pm

Normal Cells of the Cervix
*Normal cells of the cervix consist basically of squamous, glandular, and metaplastic epithelial cells. The squamous cells line the ectocervix (outer portion) as well as the vagina, and the glandular cells line the endocervix (the inner portion). Squamous metaplastic cells originate from the transformation zone of the cervix where the inner (endocervix) and outer (ectocervix) meet. In order for the cell sample to be satisfactory, endocervical or metaplastic cells must be present as most cervical cancers originate at this highly active transformation zone. Normal appearing endometrial cells may occasionally be seen in association with menses (between Day 1 and12 of the menstrual cycle).

Jawatan : Ukir pokok getah, potong rumput
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Jumlah Post : 325
Umur : 64
Tarikh Register : 06/04/2009
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Pap smear Empty Re: Pap smear

Post by atokpencen Tue 28 Jul 2009, 2:28 pm

Squamous Cells
*Squamous cells of the cervix are stratified (have distinct layers) into four cell layers--the top superficial layer, the intermediate layer just underneath this layer, the parabasal layer, and finally, the basal or reserve cell layer. Under the influence of estrogen and progesterone, the top layers are continuously being sloughed off and replaced by new cells that mature, starting from beneath at the basal layer. There are generally three types of squamous cells seen on Pap Tests (named after Dr. George Papanicolaou, inventor of the multicolor "Pap" stain and sampling technique) --the superficial, intermediate, and parabasal cell types. The superficial cells are the largest of the three and have small pyknotic (degenerative) nuclei and cytoplasm that generally stains eosinophilic. The intermediate squamous cells are similar in appearance but are slightly smaller in size and have larger, clearly structured, round nuclei with cytoplasm that usually stains basophilic. Both cell types are polygonal in shape. The intermediate cell type is the most common cell type seen. The parabasal cell type is a smaller, more rounded, immature cell type that is located below the intermediate cell layer.
*It is generally accepted that estrogen stimulates cell maturation at all levels of the squamous epithelium (from basal to superficial) while progesterone stimulates cell maturation only to the intermediate level (Naib ZM, 1976). Contraceptive hormones and hormone replacement therapy (estrogen or progesterone alone or in combination) can further increase cell division and maturation to various levels. Depo-Provera (a progestin-only contraceptive) may only increase proliferation of parabasal cells (see Hormone Effect Illustration). Long-term use of steroid sex hormones can shorten the resting period of cells where micronutrient reserves are replenished for proper DNA synthesis and cell division. Thus, overly stimulated cervical and vaginal cells by steroid hormones can exhaust key micronutrients, especially folic acid and the antioxidant vitamins, resulting in cervical "cell anemia" with characteristic changes in cell morphology of cytomegaly and early dysplastic change (see folic acid deficiency illustrations). Micronutrient deficient DNA within the nuclei of these anemic cells is made highly vulnerable to viral, carcinogen, and mutagen insertion (see HPV). Good nutrition is of paramount importance in keeping the cells of the cervix healthy and dividing and differentiating properly, especially when under the influence of powerful steroid sex hormones.

Jawatan : Ukir pokok getah, potong rumput
Gender : Male
Jumlah Post : 325
Umur : 64
Tarikh Register : 06/04/2009
Reputation : 8
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Pap smear Empty Re: Pap smear

Post by atokpencen Tue 28 Jul 2009, 2:28 pm

Glandular Cells
*The glandular cells of the endocervix, the endocervical cells, are occasionally seen throughout the Pap sample. They are simple columnar epithelial cells that appear singly, in small clusters, in tight honeycomb-like groups, or are dispersed in streaks of mucous with stripped nuclei. Normal appearing endometrial cells may also be seen just prior to or during menstruation. Both endocervical and endometrial glands cells are stimulated to differentiate and divide under the influence of estrogen and progesterone. Too much hormonal stimulation can produce abnormal cell morphology and may lead to precancerous or cancerous change similar to that of squamous cells (Ljusa D, 2000).

Jawatan : Ukir pokok getah, potong rumput
Gender : Male
Jumlah Post : 325
Umur : 64
Tarikh Register : 06/04/2009
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Pap smear Empty Re: Pap smear

Post by atokpencen Tue 28 Jul 2009, 2:33 pm

Background Cells
*In the background of the cell sample it is common to see white blood cells, particularly histiocytes and PMN's(polymorphonuclear leukocytes), as well as varying numbers of RBC's (red blood cells). The amount depends on the day of the woman's cycle, her age, and whether she is pregnant or lactating. PMN's normally increase in number during the "exodus" phase, just before and during early menses. They are a normal finding in small to moderate numbers. White blood cells increase in number as well as in type during a true inflammatory response to organisms and/or injury. Chronic inflammation produces lymphocytes whereas acute inflammation produces a preponderance of PMN's.
*A healthy flora of doderlein bacteria (lactobacillus acidophilus) is what cytologists like to see in the cervical sample background. This type of natural flora is indicative of a strong acidic defense against invaders such as candida, trich, and other opportunistic and sexually transmitted agents. Antibiotics often destroy doderlein bacilli. After or during treatment, the common fungi, candida, may manifest as a result. A good B-complex vitamin with plenty of folic acid helps protect and maintain the desired acidic pH and healthy doderlein bacterial flora. Streaks of normal occurring mucous may also be seen in the background of the cell specimen.

Jawatan : Ukir pokok getah, potong rumput
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Jumlah Post : 325
Umur : 64
Tarikh Register : 06/04/2009
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Pap smear Empty Re: Pap smear

Post by atokpencen Wed 29 Jul 2009, 9:52 am

Harga slide rak 6000 slide per rak = RM 1,300 di Borneo Pharmacy. Sape tak de rak tu . Minta pengarah rekmen ke JKNS minta peruntukan untuk bli. Nape kite keja serba takda kelengkapan!!!!. Kemajuan datang dari diri kite. Tak da sape yg tlong kecuali diri kite.!!Dapat tak dapat?...misti mau dapat

Jawatan : Ukir pokok getah, potong rumput
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Tarikh Register : 06/04/2009
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Pap smear Empty Re: Pap smear

Post by atokpencen Thu 30 Jul 2009, 2:14 pm

Lagi, soalan, tolong jawab:
1. Apa itu T/Z cells component. (Bab ediqacy of specimen)
2. Apa warna itu " Cytoplasma stained CYNOPHILIC" (Bab metaplastic cell)
3. IUCD dibawah bab endometrial vacuolation

TQ Your answer helps many beginners.

Jawatan : Ukir pokok getah, potong rumput
Gender : Male
Jumlah Post : 325
Umur : 64
Tarikh Register : 06/04/2009
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Pap smear Empty Re: Pap smear

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