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sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O)

drifter adrenaline
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sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O) Empty sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O)

Post by ono_cloud Sat 09 May 2009, 12:03 am

sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O)


sy budak baru ni cn, sy ada idea yg bes. apa pendapat otai2 n student yg tgh blaja mgenai topic kita ni?? bg sy direct degree kene wat camni. sbb kita mmg ditekan kn knowledge mase blaja 4 thn skills mmg kene kutuk. utk baiki pe kate wajib keje ngn gvrment lagi 2 thn after grad (cam H.O konon la) utk praktice skills Smile if cadangan ini dapat respons yg bes. leh kita cadangkn kt kerajaan nnt Rolling Eyes ..nape aku terpk camni? sbb student medic x sentuh pom pt mase diorg blaja 5 thn (xwat procedure yg btl2 procedure la), then HO baru diorg btl2 pgg. kita plak time student dh sentuh pt, leh imagine x camne kualiti degree 1 hari nnt cheers so, sy mntk sgt2 pendapat2 otai n kwn2 skalian Neutral jaa ne!!

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sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O) Empty Re: sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O)

Post by drifter adrenaline Sun 10 May 2009, 12:45 am

briliant idea lu bro one cloud.....mmg itu yg sepatutnye kkm wat tok cns u41 espc tok freshie ini...skil n pengalaman keje itu amat penting dalam bdg peubatan ini ditambah lg dgn knowledge yg sedia ada...kene ckup ramuan knowledge+skil+pengalaman...barulah lengkap segala2nye menjadi satu...ape2 pun kite juz satu kene ingat,jangan malu n jgn segan tok bertanye n belajar kepada yg lbh senior,mane yg baik kite ambik n mane yg kurang tu kite tambah n tingkatkan lg...

.......anyway selamat belajar bro...byk cabaran dlm bdg perubatan ini n yg penting minat...sure punye lu enjoy bro.... cheers
drifter adrenaline
drifter adrenaline

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sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O) Empty Re: sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O)

Post by JGB242 Thu 14 May 2009, 11:41 pm

aku sokong cheers

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sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O) Empty Re: sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O)

Post by ono_cloud Fri 15 May 2009, 10:08 pm

hm..usul ni mmg ptt d terima oleh smua freshi.. (pendapat sy la) sbb utk menjaga dan menjamin kualiti Surprised sbb time blaja smbl prktl kita byk melihat dan belajar bende baru.. bile ade nya 2 thn itu, maka skill insyllh akan wujud dlm mase tu..

moving forward~

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sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O) Empty Re: sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O)

Post by rafiquenurse Fri 22 May 2009, 10:04 pm

yeh..aku pon sokong ko bro ono_cloud..clinical knowledge tu penting untuk kita integrate ngn teori yg kita blaja...sebab skill need practice...cuak gak nak jadi CNS u41 if skill and ward management masih skang camne bro?camne cara kita nak suggest kat govt tu....we need strong voices and right you have any idea bro?

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sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O) Empty Re: sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O)

Post by syidahef Thu 28 May 2009, 9:10 pm

sokong keje dulu la.. weh..... kitaorg dah tak cukup kakitangan dah nie...

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sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O) Empty Re: sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O)

Post by Ainyanun Fri 12 Jun 2009, 12:54 am

Saya sokong ono_cloud tue...
For those yang undergone degree for 4 years, they need to do internship programme which might be for 1 1/2 to 2 years. I'm not quite sure what r ur syllabus in the Uni (whether its similar with MBBS-more to theory during 5 years learning)...but the graduates should undergone internship programme if they are lacks on skills during their 4 years programme.

And for ur information, especially to rafiquenurse, CNS is meant to the person who are undergone specialization during their degree programme (especially for graduates from UM-they have teaching(education), management and clinical specialization ie. cardiac, emergency, intensive care). That is why they were called as clinical nurse specialist which they have their own specialization. This situation occurs only in Malaysia. If u go through and surf the nets, u'll found that CNS are master graduates in developed country ie. US, UK, Australia. It is because their minimum qualification to become a nurse are first degree which is different from Malaysia. That is why our graduates esp from UM can called themselves as CNS. CNS are also called as APN (advanced practice nurse).

The post of CNS itself is created by our MOH based on the requirement but for those who are graduates after 4 years programme- ur r actually same as nurse U29 which are qualified after diploma. The different is u r university graduates and ur basic salary are based on the degree qualification. Ur grade are U41 and ur job description is different from U41 CNS.

However, if in the clinical site, I'm not quite sure whether our MOH employ 4 years graduates to be U41 yet (I've never heard about that condition-maybe there are). As there are limited post in each hospital which I think our government allocate these posts to the senior nurses with the degree. In education site, some of the graduates are employ to be a nursing tutor.

U all can go through the job description from U41 itself but I have sample which is i think almost similar with our setting.

Please correct me if I'm wrong with the description.

Sample CNS job description (hospital based)


The Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) functions in the role of expert clinician, educator, consultant, case manager, and researcher. In collaboration with the medical staff and nursing staff, the CNS monitors the clinical care of patients and provides clinical support to improve patient care and patient outcomes. Incorporated within each of these role functions, the CNS is a role model, patient advocate, change agent, leader, and cost-effective practitioner.


  1. Develops and assists in the implementation of nursing care plans and standards specific to the needs of the patient.
  2. Assists and provides direction to nursing staff with clinical decision making and priority setting.
  3. Models excellence in nursing practice through the utilization of advanced concepts in the areas of assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation of perceived, actual or potential problems that occur in a variety of patient populations.
  4. Functions a sa facilitator and innovator for state-of-the-art nursing care with direct involvement in implementing and evaluating new techniques and equipment for safety, cost-effectiveness, and benefits related to nursing practice.
  5. Completes history and physical on patients as indicated.
  6. Writes medical orders per established protocols.
  7. Provides approved clinical services, including removal of sutures, and complex wound care.
  8. Performs daily rounds on asigned physician patients. Assesses the health status of assigned patients by collecting and analyzing patient data and evaluating the appropriateness of care.


  1. Assists patients, their sigificant others, and family in the acquisition of information related to health and wellness, including the prevention of illness and injury.
  2. Serves as a resource to nursing staff, nursing students, and other health care personnel in the acquisition of knowledge and skills related to nursing knowledge.
  3. Develops and implements educational information, materials, and programs for discharge planning and teaching of health care consumers.
  4. Contributes to profesional nursing literature by publishing scholarly works.
  5. Contributes to nursing education as a faculty member.


  1. Expands the scientific base of nursing practice by conducting and facilitating nursing research.
  2. Disseminates research findings through presentations and publications.
  3. Critically analyzes current nursing research methods and results for utilization in the expansion and improvement of patient care and patient outcomes.

This page was developed with information from: and Mason, D.J., Knight, K., Toughill, E., DeMaio, D., Beck, T.L., Christopher, M.A. (1992) Promoting the Community Health Clinical Nurse Specialist. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 6(1), 6-13.

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sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O) Empty Re: sApe setujU, angkat tangan!! Utk memperkasakan skills for freshi degree student, wajibkan mereka berkhidmat utk kerajaan selama 2 thn. (kira mcm H.O)

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