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Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

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Miau! Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Tue 28 Jul 2009, 5:25 pm

hurm...sedapnya..jom kita kongsi bersama... Razz

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! puding marble

Post by sweetcouple Tue 28 Jul 2009, 5:27 pm

Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart PdgMarble2


1 peket agar-agar [37 gm][rendamkan sebelum merebusnya]
6 mug air
2 cawan gula
1 tin susu cair
1 cawan tepung kastad
1 s/b serbuk koko [bancuh ngan 1 s/b air suam]

Cara Memasak

1. Rebuskan agar dengan air sehingga hancur.
2. Masukkan gula. Bila mendideh tapiskan.
3. Bancuhkan susu cair dan tepung kastad dan tapiskan.
4. Masukkan bancuhan kastad dan kacau sehingga agak pekat.
5. Asingkan sebahagian dan masukkan bancuhan serbuk koko dan masakkan sehingga agak pekat.
6. Sendukkan adunan coklat kedalam acuan.
7. Lapiskan [sendukkan] adunan putih [kastad saja] keatas adunan coklat tadi. Biarkan keras sekejap.
8. Buatkan [lapiskan] sehingga semua adunan habis].

Bila nak lapiskan adunan puding ni..
panaskan adunan sambil mengacau supaya puding ini cair sikit..
sebab bila puding terbiar dalam periuk dia akan membeku dan kental...
nanti adunan/lapisan puding tidak cantik.. I love you

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! portugis egg tart

Post by sweetcouple Tue 28 Jul 2009, 5:34 pm

Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart 15-08-08_0810

Bahan-bahan ( 6 biji )

* 1 keping Puff Pastry
* *Bahan-bahan A*
* 1/4 cawan Gula Halus
* 1/4 cawan Susu Cair atau Susu Segar
* 1/4 cawan Whipping Cream
* 3 biji Telur Kuning
* 1/4 sudu kecil Vanilla Extract


1. Panaskan oven, 200ºC.
2. Masukkan semua bahan-bahan A dalam mangkuk dan pukul sampai
sebati. Ditapis dan diketepikan.
3. Potongkan puff pastry kepada 6 keping bentuk bulat. Cucuk
permukaan puff pastry yg telah dipotong dgn garpu.
4. Masukkan puff pastry yg dipotong ke dalam tin muffin.
5. Isilkan campuran telur ke dalam setiap puff pastry 3/4 penuh.
6. Bakar selama 20 minit. Biar sejuk dalam tin muffin selama 5-10 minit
sebelum dikeluarkan.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Simple Coffee Cake

Post by sweetcouple Tue 28 Jul 2009, 6:05 pm

Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart DSC00711

100g tepung naik sendiri
80g mentega
80g gula kastor
2 biji telur
1/2 camt esen vanila ]
1/2 camb nescafe ] dikacau hingga rata
1/2 camb air ]

1. Pukul mentega hingga kembang, masukkan gula dan pukul hingga gebu.
2. Masukkan telur satu persatu.
3. Masukkan tepung dan campuran nescafe gaul hingga rata.
4. Tuang adunan dlm tin pembakar. Bakar pada suhu 190C selama 40-50 minit / sehingga masak.

Sedap dimakan ketika panas.. bau pun wangi jer..

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Fruit Caramel

Post by sweetcouple Tue 28 Jul 2009, 6:07 pm

Bahan A:
240g castor sugar
360g maltose
120ml water
2tsp salt

Bahan B:
4 cherry tomato
4 strawberries
1 green apple

Bahan C:
Bamboo chopstick (kat buku ni gambar yg chopstick pakai buang tu)
Bamboo skewer

1. Wash and dry the fruits. Poke apples with bamboo chopstick from the bottom up until center. Skewer remaining fruits with bamboo skewer.
2. Boil all ingredients A in a pan until sugar is disolved. Wash down sugar and clip on thermometer. Boil until 145C. Turn down heat to low to keep the caramel warm.
3. Dip fruit into caramel. Let set. Enjoy right away or keep refrigerator.

Remark:At the temperature of 145C, this sugar syrup is called caramel. Do not boil more than 145C to avoid burning. When the syrup reaches 140C, turn to lower heat and let the temperature slowly climb to 145C.

ni zerox sebijik sebijik dr buku.. kite pun tak try lagi ni.. nak mencari maltose tu lak..
rasanye bebuahan lain pun boleh guna kot.. yg jenis buah boleh makan kulit sekali..

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Post by sweetcouple Tue 28 Jul 2009, 6:08 pm

10 gm agar-agar (direndam dalam air)
1 liter air
500 ml susu segar
30 gm tepung jagung
10 gm tepung kastad
2 cmb serbuk koko (di ayak)
300 gm gula pasir
5 biji ceri merah
100 ml krim putar sebagai hiasan
Daun pudina

Cara Menyediakannya:
1. Didihkan air dan masukkan agar-agar. Tunggu hingga agar-agar betul-betul larut.
2. Selepas itu, masukkan susu segar, serbuk koko, dan gula pasir. Kacau rata.
3. Sebelum itu, tepung jagung dan tepung kastad di cairkan dan dicampurkan dengan bahan-bahan yang di atas.
4. selepas bahan mendidih, tuangkan dalam acuan mengikut citarasa dan sejukkan agar-agar tersebut.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Plain Muffin

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 10:32 pm

250 gm mentega
250 gm gula kastor
5 biji telur
250 gm tepung gandum
150 gm tepung naik sendiri
2 sudu besar susu cair
4 sudu kecil air

1. Pukul mentega dan gula selama 5 minit dengan kelajuan serdahana
2. Masukkan telur, kedua-dua jenis tepung, susu dan air. Pukul lagi selama 10 minit.
3. Masukkan adunan ke dalam bekas acuan muffin yang dialas dengan kertas muffin
4. Bakar selama 30 minit pada suhu 180'C dan enak dihidang dengan teh panas

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 10:33 pm

Muffin Blueberi

Tepung Blue Key 300g
Gula kastor 150g
Susu tepung 15g
Lemak/Marjerin 120g
Madu 30g
Telur 90g
Air 165g
Esen Vanila 3g

1. Panaskan oven pada suhu 180 darjah selsius(C)/350 Farenheit)
2.Pukul gula, susu tepung,mentega/marjerin bersama madu hingga kembang.
3.Masukkan telur sedikit demi sedikit sehingga habis.
4.Ayak tepung Blue Key dan masukkan ke dalam adunan tadi silih berganti dengan air sehingga habis tepung itu.
5.Glis petitin muffin dan alaskan dengan muffin cup.
6.Letakkan adunan itu ke dalam acuan muffin dan sudukan 1 camca teh blueberry filling ke atas adunan
7.Masukkan ke dalam oven dan bakar selama 20-25minit.

Oven setiap orang mungkin berbeza,oleh itu,sekiranya muffin anda tidak cukup masak,tambah masa memasak dan harus dijaga setiap masa agar tidak hangus

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Traditional Cheesecake

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 10:37 pm

Estimated Times:
Preparation - 20 min | Cooking - 1 hrs 6 min | Cooling Time - 3 hrs refrigerating | Yields - 12 servings


* 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
* 1/3 cup butter, melted
* 1/4 cup granulated sugar

* 3 pkgs. (8 oz. each) cream cheese, softened
* 1 can (14 oz.) NESTLÉ® CARNATION® Sweetened Condensed Milk
* 4 large eggs
* 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
* 2 tablespoons lemon juice
* 1 tablespoon grated lemon peel
* 1 cup (8 oz.) sour cream
* Fruit pie filling or fruit topping (optional)

PREHEAT oven to 350º F.

COMBINE graham cracker crumbs, butter and sugar in small bowl. Press onto bottom and 1 inch up side of ungreased 9-inch springform pan.

BAKE for 6 to 8 minutes. Cool on wire rack for 10 minutes.

BEAT cream cheese and sweetened condensed milk in large mixer bowl. Beat in eggs, flour, lemon juice and lemon peel. Pour into crust.

BAKE for 50 minutes. Remove from oven; spread with sour cream.

BAKE for 10 minutes or until edge is set but center still moves slightly. Cool completely in pan on wire rack. Refrigerate for several hours or overnight. Garnish with fruit topping.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Fruity Mocha Mousse

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 10:38 pm

Estimated Times:
Preparation - 20 min | Cooking - 12 min | Cooling Time - 1 hrs cooling | Yields - 6 to 8 servings


* 1/2 cup NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels
* 2 cups heavy whipping cream, divided
* 2 tablespoons powdered sugar

* 1 can Cranberry Sauce
* 1/4 cup light corn syrup
* 1/4 cup coffee-flavored liqueur
* 1/4 cup NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels

MELT morsels in uncovered, microwave-safe medium mixer bowl on HIGH (100%) power for 30 seconds; STIR. Morsels may retain some of their original shape. If necessary, microwave at additional 10- to 20-second intervals, stirring until smooth. Beat cream in medium mixer bowl on high speed until stiff peaks form. Gradually add powdered sugar while beating. Gradually add melted chocolate to whipped cream, mixing on low speed.

SPOON into individual dessert dishes. Refrigerate at least 1 hour before serving.

COMBINE cranberry sauce, corn syrup, liqueur and morsels in medium, heavy-duty saucepan. Cook, whisking frequently, over medium heat until smooth. Cool to room temperature. Serve over mousse.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 10:45 pm

Name Chawan Mushi

Serves/Yields 4

Prep. Time 20 min

Cook Time 20 min

Chawan Mushi is a popular Japanese egg custard dish. In fact special China cups are made for preparing and serving the custard. The cups come with lids that are used to keep the custard warm for a while after it is served. I have substituted ramekins for the traditional cups.

2 1/2cups Dashi* (may substitute with vegetable stock)
3 eggs
1 tablespoon naturally brewed soy sauce
1/2 cup maitake mushroom petals
1 tablespoon thinly sliced scallions
Grapeseed oil to cook
Salt and pepper to taste
4 small ramekins or tea cups

Step: 1 we start preparing "dashi"

*Dashi is the traditional Japanese stock. It is prepared with konbu, a nutritious seaweed and flakes of dried bonito, a fish that’s long been a staple of the Japanese diet. If you are low on time, you can use dashi powder to make the stock, available in every good asian food store.

1 piece (about 5 X 6 inches) Konbu
1 cup Bonito Flakes
Begin by cleaning the konbu by wiping it with a damp cloth.
Place the konbu in a stockpot with 5 cups of cold water and heat over medium heat. Just before the water boils, remove it from the heat. Watch carefully; you do not want the water to boil or the dashi will become too strongly flavored. Allow to stand 5 minutes, remove the konbu and return the pot to medium heat. When the stock once again nears the boiling point, remove the pot from the heat and add the bonito flakes. When the flakes sink to the bottom of the pot, strain the dashi through cheesecloth or a fine-mesh strainer.

Step: 2 In a large bowl, whisk together the Dashi, eggs and soy sauce.
Season with the salt and pepper to taste.
Skim the bubbles and the foam off the top. Heat a medium skillet over high heat. Add the oil and swirl to coat the pan. When the oil shimmers, add the maitakes and saute until soft, about 6 minutes.
Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Evenly divide the cooked maitakes among the ramekins and sprinkle it with the scallions. Fill the ramekins with 4 oz. of the egg mixture, making sure not to create any bubbles.
Place the ramekin in a hot water bath and cover with aluminum foil.* Place the pan in a 375 degree oven for 5 minutes and then reduce the heat to 325 degrees and cook for another 15-20 minutes.
Fill a metal pan with enough boiling water so that the water goes halfway up the side of the ramekin.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

Character sheet
Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 10:45 pm

Name Bread Pudding
Serves/Yields 4-6 servings
Prep. Time 5 minutes
Cook Time About 45 minutes

Bread pudding can be as simple or as elegant as you want, with a few minor changes in bread type and other ingredients. If using a sweet bread, such as raisin bread or leftover cinnamon rolls,reduce the sugar by a couple of tablespoons. This is a classic southern bread pudding.


1 cup half_and_half
3 Tbsps melted butter
1 1/4 cups whole milk
5 large eggs
3/4 to 1 cup granulated_sugar
Pinch salt
2 tsps vanilla_extract
1 tsp ground_cinnamon
Few gratings fresh nutmeg or 1/8 tsp ground
1 cup raisins (optional)
About 8 thick (1 inch) slices of dry french bread ( I slice mine diagionally and let it dry overnight)
Soft butter for greasing the pan.

Step: 1

Heavily butter a deep oblong baking dish. Arrange bread in a single layer over the bottom of the pan. In a large bowl whisk the eggs, sugar and spices. Melt the 3 Tbsps butter and cool slightly before adding to the egg mixture.Add the milk and half and half and blend well.

Step: 2 Add the raisins and pour over the bread.Press down the bread so that it absorbs as much liguid as possible Place the pan in the refrigerator for 1 hour or overnight.

Step: 3 Heat oven to 325 degrees. Place the pan in the oven and bake for 45 minutes or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean. Serve warm or cold with a drizzle of custard or rum sauce, cream or whipped cream. The Praline sauce is great on bread pudding for a really rich dessert.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 10:46 pm

Name Gelato
Category Desserts, Italian


Most types of gelato's start with this basic recipe.

Basic Gelato

1 qt. whole milk
1 cup sugar
10 egg yolks
1 pinch of salt

Chocolate Ice-cream
1 qt. milk
12 egg yolks
1 qt. cream
1 1/2 cups sugar
8 oz. bitter chocolate
1 vanilla pod

Step: 1 For the basic gelato
Bring the milk, all but 1/2 cup, to a boil in a stainless steel saucepan (do not use an aluminum container), adding a pinch of salt. Remove from the fire. Whip the egg yolks with the sugar in a bowl. Add the cold 1/2 cup of milk, and then add the hot milk a little at a time. Put the mixture in a pot on the fire and cook over very low heat for 20 mins, stirring constantly. Do not allow to boil. When the mixture starts thickening, pour it into a bowl and cool, stirring frequently. Strain through a fine sieve. Once entirely cooled, put the mixture in an ice-cream machine or gelato machine and churn until it reaches the proper consistency.
Note:Churning time varies depending on the ice-cream machine used. An ice-cream freezer holds a temperature just below freezing.

Vanilla Ice-cream
Use the same ingredients as in the basic recipe, adding a vanilla pod (bean) to the warm milk.

For the chocolate gelato
Break the chocolate into chunks pieces, and melt over a low heat. When melted, add the milk, cream and vanilla pod. Bring near to a boil, stirring constantly. Thoroughly whip the egg yolks with the sugar, add to the milk and cream and continue to cook as in basic recipe.

When the mixture is ready, pour it into a bowl and cool, stirring occasionally.
When the resulting mix is cool, strain through a sieve, if necessary. Put it in the ice-cream machine and churn.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 10:48 pm

Krim Karamel


Bahan A (puding)
250 ml susu sejat@ susu segar
250 ml air
3 biji telur
4 sudu besar gula pasir
1½ sudu besar mentega
1 sudu kecil esen vanila

Bahan B (gula hangus)

125 gula pasir
4 sudu besar air

Satukan bahan (B) dalam periuk. Masak hingga pekat dan kekuningan. Tuangkan sirap ini ke dalam mangkuk kecil. Ketepikan.

Bahan (A): Pukul telur hingga kembang. Masukkan gula kastor dan pukul lagi. Tuangkan susu sejat, air dan esen vanila. Kacaukan hingga sebati.

Kemudian tuangkan adunan ini kedalam mangkuk yang berisi gula hangus. Bubuhkan sedikit margerin di atasnya.

Kukus di dalam pengukus selama 20 minit.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 10:57 pm


1 peket agar2 20gm
2 cawan cendol
3 senduk gula pasir
4 sb gula merah
1 cawan santan pekat dari 1/2 biji kelapa
1 cawan susu cair
3 cawan air
sehelai daun pandan

Cara Membuatnya:
·Agar2 dimasak dengan 3 cawan air hingga hancur.
·Masukkan gula putih biar hancur masukkan pula gula merah yang dibancuh dulu dengan sedikit air panas pastu tapis masuk dalam agar2.
·Masukkan daun pandan, gunakan api yang kecil bila agar2 dah mendidih, masukkan pula santan dan susu cair, didih sekejap tutupkan api.
·Masukkan cendol, kacau rata dan tuang dalam acuan, kalau masuk cendol semasa agar2 tengah mendidih nanti warna cendol jadi tak cantik.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:00 pm

bun inti

500g tepung roti
75g gula
1 biji telur
5g garam
10g ibu roti(mauripan) - saya boh satu pek mauripan tu
45g susu pekat manis
220ml air sejuk
60g mentega / shortening

inti - ape ape yg anda suka (kelapa,kacang merah,sambal,kari kentang, etc)

bahan glis:
1 biji telur ] campurkan
air ]
(nisbah telur dan air 1:2, iaitu 1 bhg telur kpd 2bhg air)

Satukan sume(kecuali mentega) dlm bekas. uli sampai menjadi doh, masukkan mentega. uli lagi sampai mentega tu rata.
bila dah jadi doh, kuarkan dr bekas, dan ganyang sampai jadi stretchable (cam gentian roti canai). Cara ganyang.. cam org basuh kain.
pastu rehatkan dlm bekas sekejap(tutup dgn tuala lembap), sampai doh naik 2 kali ganda, ambik masa dlm 10 minit.
pastu ganyang balik sat dlm 5 minit utk kuarkan anginnye. bentukkan bulat bulat kecil, canai sikit utk letakkan inti dan bulatkan(macam buat pau).
letak dlm dulang yg dah dilenser dgn mentega. biarkan kejap sampai bun naik sbl dibakar.
sbl dibakar, sapukan glis supaya bun nampak cantik berkilat.
bakar sampai masak..

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:12 pm

Corn Pudding
600 ml thin coconut milk
60 gm green pea flour
180 gm white sugar
1 pandan leaves-tied into a knot
300 gm tin of cream corn

1. Combine coconut milk, flour and sugar in a pan. Stir until well mixed. Add pandan leaf and sweet corn.
2. Cook over low heat, stirring continuously with a wooden spoon until mixture boils and is thick and smooth. Allow mixture to simmer for 3-4 minutes. Take pan off the heat, remove pandan leaves.
3. Spoon the mixture into small jelly moulds which have been rinsed with water. Leave puddings to cool at room temperature before chilling in the refrigerator.
4. Sweet corn puddings can be served turned out of its mould and surrounded by a spoonful of evaporated milk

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

Character sheet
Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:14 pm

Kek Aiskrim

8 biji kuning telur
4 biji putih telur
110 gm tepung Superfine
120 gm gula halus
120 gm badam halus
60 gm air
2 camca sedang minyak jagung
50 gm badam cincang
60 gm coklat urai

Bahan-bahan A (untuk aiskrim):
40 gm gula halus
2 biji kuning telur
180 gm susu segar sejuk
1 camca teh vanila
Putar hingga pekat Bahan-bahan B (untuk aiskrim):
180 gm krim putar
90 gm susu segar sejuk
1 camca teh vanila
Putar hingga pekat

Bahan-bahan C (untuk aiskrim):
80 gm gula halus
3 biji kuning telur
Dipukul hingga pekat

Bahan-bahan disapu di atas kek:
250 gm krim putar
100 gm susu segar
Kacau kuning telur bersama sebahagian gula hingga kembang. Masukkan badam halus dan air. Kacau hingga rata. Kacau putih telur bersama sebahagian lagi gula hingga pekat. Masukkan tepung dan adunan kuning telur. Kacau hingga rata. Masukkan minyak jagung. Kacau lagi. Tuang adunan ke dalam acuan 25.40 sm x 25.40 sm (10 inci x 10 inci). Bakar 30 minit. Apabila kek masak sejukkan dan belah dua. Susun kek di dalam acuan berukuran 22.88 sm x 22.88 sm (7 inci x 7 inci). Tuang setengah bahagian aiskrim yang dibubuh coklat urai dan letakkan kek di atasnya. Tuang pula aiskrim yang dibubuh badam. Ratakan. Kemudian simpan di dalam kotak dingin beku enam jam.

Cara membuat aiskrim:
Satukan bahan-bahan A, B dan C. Kacau hingga sebati. Bahagi adunan dua bahagian. Satu bubuh badam cincang bakar dan satu lagi bubuh coklat urai.

Cara membuat bahan-bahan untuk disapu di atas kek:
Sejukkan kedua-dua bahan dan pukul hingga pekat. Kemudian sapu pada seluruh kek.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:15 pm

Ais Krim Goreng


ais krim(nestle)
1 biji telur
1 cawan tepung gandum
2 cawan breadcrumb
1 cawan cornflakes
1 cawan coco crunch

*jem stawberry
1)tepung dan telur dicampur dengan air..kacau dengan sebati.asingkan
2)campurkan breadcrumb,cornflakes,coco crunch ke dalam mangkuk..asingkan
3)mula-mula cedok aiskrim supaya menjadi bulat.
4)celupkan ke dalam tepung tadi..dan terus golek kan ke dalam campuran breadcrumb tadi..
5)bungkus kan ia ke dalam plastic wrapping.
6)bekukan ia ke dalam freezer selama 30-45 minit.sehingga ia keras.
7)bubuh minyak ke dalam kuali..tunggu sehingga minyak itu panas.
8)apabila minyak sudah panas...ambik aiskrim tadi..buka bungkusan plastik dan goreng hingga kekuningan.
9)jem dimasak dengan sedikit air agar ia cair sedikit..(biarkan ia pekat)
Cadangan Hidangan:
letakkan ke dalam pinggan dan hidang kan dgn jem yang sudah di masak sebagai pencecah.
makan sewaktu ia panas..kerana di luar panas dan di dalam nya pula sejuk

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:16 pm


700 gm tepung gandum
2 biji telur
100 ml susu segar
Air suam secukupnya
50 gm walnat, dikisar 100 gm gajus, dikisar
300 gm serbuk gajus
250 gm mentega
150 ml minyak
Gaul tepung bersama telur dan susu segar hingga sebati. Masukkan air. Uli hingga menjadi doh. Adunan dibahagi empat dan dijadikan doh kecil. Perap dalam sejam. Tabur sedikit tepung di atas meja dan canai setiap satu doh (satu doh apabila dicanai nipis menjadi selebar sebuah meja bulat sederhana besar). Kemudian potong mengikut besar loyang yang digunakan. Lapis empat keping di dalam loyang dan tabur walnat, gajus dan serbuk gajus. Lapis sekeping lagi doh nipis di atas taburan kacang. Ulangi hingga habis. Bahagian atas sekali, lapis empat sama seperti di bahagian bawah. Panaskan mentega bersama minyak dan sapu di atasnya. Bakar hingga kuning. Kemudian potong seperti hiris wajik.
Baklava ini dimakan bersama air gula. Baklava perlu dibiarkan semalaman selepas masak supaya betul-betul sejuk. Kemudian tuang air gula hingga ke permukaan. Jangan dikeluarkan baklava dari loyang kecuali untuk menghidang. Biar baklava terendam di dalam air gula.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6925

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:17 pm

Fudgy Glazed Chocolate Slices
300 gm coklat bar- parut
115 gm mentega tanpa garam
90 gm gula perang
50 gm gula prai
2 biji telur
15 ml vanilla essence
65 gm tepung gandum
115 gm pecan – bakar dan cincang
150 coklat putih – parut
175 gm coklat bar – parut
50 gm mentega tanpa garam
30 ml golden syrup
10 ml vanilla essence
I camca teh Nescafe
Kacang pecan-untuk hiasan
Cara membuat:
1. Panaskan ketuhar ke suhu 180 darjah celcius. Alaskan petitin dengan aluminium foil dan lenser dengan mentega/margerin.
2. Panaskan coklat parut dengan mentega dalam saucepan dengan api serdahana. Kacau hingga sebati.
3. Masukkan gula dan kacau lagi selama 2 minit sehingga gula cair.
4. Sementara itu pukul telur dengan vanilla essence. Masukkan tepung gandum, pecan dan coklat putih hingga sebati.
5. Campurkan semua bahan dan kacau hingga adunan licin (smooth), kemudian tuang adunan ke dalam petitin. Bakar selama 20-25 minit.
6. Untyk glazing, cairkan coklat parut, mentega, golden syrup, vanilla essence dan Nescafe di dalam saucepan dengan api serdahana sehingga licin (smooth).
7. Sejukkan sehingga pekat dan boleh disapu. Kemudian sapukan glazing ke atas brownies yang telah disejukkan tadi, hiaskan dengan pecan dan sedia untuk dihidang.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:25 pm


One of Italian favorite bread.
Serve warm or cold, in slices or chunks, on its own or with a pasta, rice or vegetable dish.

Mix the flour, yeast and salt together. Stir in the tomatoes and olives
Make well in the centre, add 3 tbsp oil and enough tepid water to make soft, but not sticky dough

Turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 10 minutes, or until it is smooth and elastic
Put in a bowl, cover with a clean tea cloth and leave to rise until doubled in size
Turn the dough on to a lightly floured surface and knead

Cover the dough with a tea cloth and leave until doubled in size again.
Use your fingers to make deep dents on the surface of the dough. Drizzle over a little oil and salt.
Bake until golden brown (20-25 minutes)

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
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Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:26 pm

Tiramisu- Italian cuisine

Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together until thick and pale. Gradually whisk in mascarpone cheese, then fold in the fromage frais until well blended.

In separate bowl, whisk the egg whites until stiff. Gently fold the whisked egg into the mascarpone mixture.

Mix the coffee and liqueur or brandy in a shallow dish(leh guna gak nescafe). Dip 6 sponge fingers in this mixture for 10-15 seconds, so they become soaked, but not so soggy that they break

Place the sponge fingers in the bottom of a glass serving dish. Scatter over 85gm raspberries and spread one third of the mascarpone mixture over the fruit.

Repeat these layers twice more. Sprinkle the top liberally with sifted cocoa powder and chill for several hours or overnight.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:28 pm

Short Bread
A simple shortbread cookie made with butter, powdered sugar, and flour.
1 cup butter, room temperature
1/2 cup powdered sugar
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon vanilla
pinch of salt
1. Mix together the flour and salt in a bowl and set aside.
2. Cream together the butter, vanilla and sugar until light and fluffy.
3. Add the flour and salt mixture a small amount at a time, kneading into creamed mixture with your hands.
4. Turn dough onto floured surface and pat or roll out to 1/4" thickness.
5. Cut into squares [or any shape you want] and place on an ungreased cookie sheet.
6. Bake at 325° for approximately 15 minutes or until golden brown.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:30 pm

Potato Bread

450 gm strong flour
2 tsp salt
15 gm compressed yeast }
2 tsp castor sugar } combines
200 ml UHT milk }
100 gm boiled mashed potato
2 tbsp oil
2 no eggs-beat to glis

1. Combine flour with potato. Add yeast mixture, milk and oil. Mix well.
2. Knead the dough till elastic about 10 minutes.
3. Lets the dough enlarge 2 times the size.
4. Then shape the dough and place it into the mould that has been brush with margarine.
5. Glis with eggs and sprinkle with sesame. Lets the dough prove again before bake it at the oven (230 Celsius) for 20-25 minutes or until turn to brown.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart Selang10
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Jumlah Post : 1086
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