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Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:31 pm

Chelsea Bun

Ingredients, Basic dough.
500 Gm Strong Flour
125 Gm Soft Flour
50 Gm Margarine
7 Gm Salt
2 ½ Eggs
75 Gm Castor Sugar
50 Gm Compressed Yeast
500 Ml Fresh Milk

Ingredients for Chelsea Bun
1 cup of cream custard
1 cup of raisin
½ cup brown sugar
1 pinch of cinnamon powder

1. Combine Sugar, Yeast and Eggs with Milk.
2. Add Sifted Flour With Salt Into The Combination Above. Knead For 10 Minutes In Machine. Then Add Margarine and Knead Again.
3. First Proved Until The Dough Become 2 Times Size
4. Using Rolling Pint, Shape the Dough Into Rectangular. Spread Custard Cream Onto The Dough.
5. Sprinkle Brown Sugar and Raisin. Roll The Dough Like Swiss Roll.
6. Cut The Dough Into 1 Cm And Arrange It Onto Grease Pan.
7. Lets the Dough Done the Second Proved. Baked It At 200 Celsius And Brush It With Apricot Glis Right After Takes It Out From Oven.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart - Page 2 Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6926

Character sheet
Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:34 pm

Shortcake with Vanilla Tiramisu

Vanila Tiramisu
250 Riccota Cheese
350 Cream
25ml Vanilla
5 gram gelatin

250g Butter
200g gula
180g tepung gandum
20g tepung jagung,
3 biji telur
Untuk Creamy vanilla Tiramisu
1. Pukul cream sehingga kembang
2. kemudian masukan cheese. Gaul sehingga sebati. Kemudian Masukkan Esen Vanilla kacau sebati, masukan gelatin yang telah dicairkan dengan kaedah double boiling
3. sejukan

1.pukul butter denagn gula sehingga kembamg dan gebu
2. masukan telur satu per satu. kacau sebati
3. kemudian masukan tepung yang telah diayak. gaul sebati.
3. sudukan di atas dulang pembakar yan g telah di glis, bakar pada suhu 180 darjah celcius selama 20 minut
Cadangan Hidangan:
Hidangkan bersama ais krim Chocholate

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart - Page 2 Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6926

Character sheet
Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:35 pm

Kek Jeli…

1 biji Kek Gulung strawberi/coklat (aper2 jer)
2 kotak Jeli kristal strawberi NONA
Sedikit Buah-buahan dlm tin (potong kecik skit)

1. potong kek kira2 2.5-3 cm gitu pastu susun dalam bekas/ dulang...(susun kek tu bagi padat n xder ruang 0);
2. pastu tekan kek tu skit supaya mampat;
3. bancuh jeli spt arahan dlm kotak tu;
4. pas bancuh..tuang cpt2 ke atas kek yg disusun td;
5. pastu tabur sedikit buah2an kat atas;
6. pastu sejukkan.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart - Page 2 Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6926

Character sheet
Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:38 pm

Roti Pisang


2 biji pisang montel
3 cawan tepung superfine
1 sudu besar gula
1 sudu besar susu tepung 2 sudu besar minyak jagung
11 gm yis segera
Sedikit air untuk mengguli


1. Pisang dibuang kulitnya dan dilecek.

2. Masukkan kesemua bahan ke dalam mangkuk adunan elektrik kecuali air.
3. Putar perlahan-lahan dan masukkan air sedikit demi sedikit hingga adunan sebati. Putar selama 10 minit atau sehingga adunan kelihatan gebu.
4. Buatkan bebola kecil dan susun di dalam loyang pembakar. Biarkan selama 1/2 jam atau hingga adunan naik barulah dibakar.
5. Sementara itu, panaskan ketuhar gelombang mikro CONVECTION 180'C selama 5 minit kemudian masukkan doh tadi.
6. Bakar selama 15-20 minit hingga kelihatan kekuningan.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart - Page 2 Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6926

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:40 pm

Cheese Oreo Cake


bahan a
12 keping digestive biskut dikisar
2 sudu besar butter cair

bahan b
1 cawan thickened cream
1 ½ cawan cottage cheese
10 keping oreo dikisar

1.Gaulkan bahan a sehingga boleh ditekan ke dalam loyang
2. Masukkan ke dalam loyang dan bakar selama 10 minit dalam ketuhar suhu 150 darjah kemudian sejukkan.
3. Pukul cream dan cheese sehingga kembang dan campurkan biskut oreo yg telah dikisar(simpan sedikit oreo untuk hiasan)
4.Lapiskan cheese atas lapisan biskut yg dibakar tadi...
5. Taburkan sedikit oreo yg dikisar diatas kek..
6. Sejukkan dalam peti sejuk

@ gantikan digestive biskut dengan biskut Oreo yang dah dikisar

* Kek ni adalah salah satu cheese cake yang mudah coz hanya menggunakan peti sejuk untuk set. (Freezer Cake)

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart - Page 2 Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6926

Character sheet
Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:50 pm

(untuk 4 orang)

Bahan – bahan Penkek:
200 gm tepung gandum
250 ml susu segar
150 ml krim nestle
3 biji telur
Secubit garam
½ camca besar gula kastor
2 camca besar minyak
2 cawan minyak untuk menggoreng
½ cawan tepung jagung

Bahan – bahan Inti:
200 gm kacang merah
1 helai daun pandan
Gula secukup rasa
2 camca besar minyak sayur / jagung

Cara menyedia :

1. Sediakan batter dan buat pankek.
2. Kacang merah direbus bersama empat cawan air dan daun pandan sehingga agak lembut.
3. Masukkan gula dan masak sehingga agak pekat.
4. Keluarkan daun pandan. Masukkan kacang dalam mesin pengisar.
5. Tuangkan ke dalam sebuah periuk dan campurkan minyak masak.
6. Letakkan inti ke dalam dadar dan lipat seperti sampul surat, jangan digulungkan.
7. Sebelum menggoreng, salut penkek dengan tepung jagung.
8. Goreng penkek dalam minyak banyak.
9. Sejatkan minyak, potong penkek kepada kepingan kecil.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart - Page 2 Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6926

Character sheet
Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:55 pm

Pineapple coconut cheesecake (serve with pineapple and vanilla sauce)

Coconut crust:

Shredded coconut 200gm
Sliced almonds 3tbsp
Melted butter 6tbsp
Pineapple rings 12nos (1 inch)

Lemon cheese filling:

Cream cheese 720gm
Caster sugar 180gm
Sour cream 125gm
Cornstarch 5tsp
Eggs 3nos
Egg yolk 1nos
Lemon juice 3tbsp
Grate lemon skin 3nos
Vanilla essence 1tsp

Lemon topping:

Topping whip cream 250ml
Caster sugar 1tsp
Grated lemon skin 1tsp
Shredded coconut as needed
Cocoa powder as needed


1. To make crust, stir the coconut, almonds and melted butter together and press evenly into the bottom of a spring form pan.

2. Place the pineapple rings on the top of the coconut crust.

3. To make the filling, mix cream cheese, sugar, sour cream and cornstarch together, stirring in the eggs and the egg yolk one at a time.

4. Next add the lemon juice, lemon peels and essence vanilla and mix well for 2 minutes.

5. Pour the mixture on the base with the pineapples and bake it for 15 minutes at 175 C/350 F.

6. Lower the temperature to 225 F and bake for another 70minutes, or until the centre no longer looks wet.

7. Turn off the oven and cut the cake around the inside of the cake pan. Return the cake to the oven for another 60 minutes (with the heat off), then place it in the refrigerator and chill it overnight.

8. To make topping, whip up the cream, sugar and lemon peel till stiff peaks form. Spread it over the chilled cake and sprinkle the cake with shredded coconut. Sieve the cake lightly with cocoa powder.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart - Page 2 Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6926

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:56 pm


Dry yeast 65gm
Fresh milk (cool) 1350ml
Brown sugar 3tsp
Shortening (melted) 150gm
Salt 6tsp
Whole wheat flour 1650gm

For poaching:

Plain water 6lit
Brown sugar 6tbsp


Toasted sesame seeds,
poppy seeds
or sautéed chopped onions as needed

Oven temp: 190 C/baking time: 20 minutes.


1. Straight dough / no time dough method.

2. Bring the water to the boil and add the 2 tablespoons of brown sugar.

3. Put 2 or 3 bagels at a time into the boiling water and cook until they rise to the surface (takes 1 or 2 minutes). Lift out the bagels with a perforated spoon. Place them on the greased baking sheets.

4. Glaze the bagels with egg wash and sprinkle with seeds or onions.

5. Bake until browned.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart - Page 2 Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6926

Character sheet
Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:56 pm

Mascarpone a’ la venetian

Mascarpone filling:

Unflavoured gelatine powder 5gm
Sweet marsala/sparkling juice 300ml
Egg yolks 6nos/120ml
Caster sugar 170gm
Heavy cream 480ml
Mascarpone cheese/cream cheese 455gm (softened)


1. Sprinkle the gelatine powder on top of (60ml) marsala/sparkling juice, reserve.

2. Combine the egg yolks, sugar and remaining wine/sparkling juice in a mixer bowl. Set over Bain-marie and whisking constantly by hand, heat the mixture until it has thickened to a sabayon consistency. Remove from the heat and place on the mixer with the whip attachment. Continue to whip at medium speed until cool to the touch, refrigerate.

3. Whip the heavy cream to stiff peaks, reserve. Gradually stir the egg mixture into the soft mascarpone cheese, followed by the whipped cream. Heat the gelatine mixture to dissolve. Quickly stir the gelatine into a small portion of the cream mixture to temper. Still working rapidly, add this to the remaining mixture. Use immediately.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart - Page 2 Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6926

Character sheet
Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:57 pm

Baked Oreo Italian Cheese Cake

Biscuit crust:

Oreo biscuit 400gm (broken into crumbs)


Mixed fruit 125gm
Sparkling white juice 2tbsp
Cream cheese 750gm
Caster sugar 60gm
Orange juice 1tbsp
Grated orange rind 2tsp
Vanilla essence 2tsp
Eggs 3nos (lightly beaten)
Plain yoghurt 2tbsp
Cake flour 1tbsp
Toblerone milk chocolate 100gm (melted)


Almond flakes 30gm

Oven tempt: 160 C / baking time: 70 minutes


1. Heat gently the dried fruit and sparkling juice for 3 minutes until plump, cool.

2. Press crumbs into the base of a lined 20cm spring form pan.

3. Beat the cream cheese until smooth add the sugar, orange juice, rind and vanilla essence and beat gently until smooth. Add the eggs, yoghurt and flour and beat until combined. Fold through the mixed fruit. Pour into the prepared pan. Swirl through the melted chocolate and top with the almonds.

4. Bake at 160 C for 1 hour and 10 minutes. Let cool in the oven before serving

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart - Page 2 Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6926

Character sheet
Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:57 pm

Blackberry and apple pie
serves 6-8

• 50g butter, plus extra for greasing
• 100g golden caster sugar, plus extra for sprinkling
• 2 large Bramley apples, cored, peeled and each cut into 16 wedges
• 4 Cox’s apples, cored, peeled and each cut into 8 wedges
• 1 heaped tablespoon chopped stem ginger, in syrup
• 150g blackberries
• 1 large free-range or organic egg, beaten
• ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

First, make your pastry dough, wrap it in clingfilm and rest it in the fridge for at least half an hour. Then preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/gas 4. Put the butter and sugar into a saucepan and, when the butter has melted, add the apples, stem ginger and a tablespoon of the ginger syrup. Slowly cook for 15 minutes with a lid on, then add the blackberries, stir and cook for 5 more minutes with the lid off.

Meanwhile, remove your pastry from the fridge. Dust your work surface with flour, cut the pastry in half and, using a floured rolling pin, roll one of the pieces out until it’s just under 1cm thick. (Rolling the dough between two layers of greaseproof paper will also stop it sticking to your rolling pin.) Butter a shallow 26cm pie dish and line with the pastry, trimming off any excess round the edges using a sharp knife.

Tip the cooled apples and blackberries into a sieve, reserving all the juices, then put the fruit into the lined pie dish so you have a mound in the middle. Spoon over half the reserved juices. Brush the edge of the pastry with beaten egg. Roll out the second piece of pastry, just as you did the first, and lay it over the top of the pie. Trim the edges as before and crimp them together with your fingers. Brush the top of the pie with the rest of the beaten egg, sprinkle generously with sugar and the cinnamon, and make a couple of slashes in the top of the pastry.

Place the pie on a baking tray and then put it directly on the bottom of the preheated oven for 55 to 60 minutes, until golden brown and crisp. To serve, slice the pie into portions and serve with a generous dollop of custard.

serves 6-8

• 50g butter, plus extra for greasing
• 100g golden caster sugar, plus extra for sprinkling
• 2 large Bramley apples, cored, peeled and each cut into 16 wedges
• 4 Cox’s apples, cored, peeled and each cut into 8 wedges
• 1 heaped tablespoon chopped stem ginger, in syrup
• 150g blackberries
• 1 large free-range or organic egg, beaten
• ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart - Page 2 Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6926

Character sheet
Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:58 pm


• 9 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped
• 1 cup heavy cream
• 1 tablespoon dark rum (optional)
1. Place the chocolate into a medium bowl. Heat the cream in a small sauce pan over medium heat. Bring just to a boil, watching very carefully because if it boils for a few seconds, it will boil out of the pot. When the cream has come to a boil, pour over the chopped chocolate, and whisk until smooth. Stir in the rum if desired.
2. Allow the ganache to cool slightly before pouring over a cake. Start at the center of the cake and work outward. For a fluffy frosting or chocolate filling, allow it to cool until thick, then whip with a whisk until light and fluffy.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart - Page 2 Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6926

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by sweetcouple Wed 29 Jul 2009, 11:58 pm

Baked Alaska

4 servings
• 120g caster sugar
• 2 large free-range egg whites
• Squeeze of lemon juice
• 1 ginger loaf cake
• 140g raspberries, lightly crushed
• 2 tbsp framboise
• 4 scoops of good quality ice cream, frozen in 6-7cm cutters
• 200ml of brandy

To make the meringue put the sugar and 2 tbsp water into a medium heavy-based saucepan and dissolve over a medium heat, stirring once or twice. When the liquid is clear, increase the heat and boil for three minutes. (Or the liquid registers 120C on a sugar thermometer).
In the meantime, whisk the egg whites with a squeeze of lemon juice in a clean, grease-free bowl, using a hand held electric whisk or balloon whisk, until they form soft peaks.
With the beaters still whirling, slowly pour the hot syrup down the side of the bowl and continue beating on full speed for 10 minutes to a firm, glossy meringue. Set to one side.
Using a 6-7cm cutter cut out 8 discs from the ginger loaf. Place 4 on a tray, lined with cling film and top with a layer of crushed raspberries, mixed with the framboise. Now finish one at a time, so the ice cream doesn’t melt. Place the moulded ice cream, on the raspberries, then top with a plain sponge disc.
Quickly cover the top and sides with the meringue, swirling it attractively. Repeat to finish the rest of the Alaskas, then place, uncovered in the freezer until ready to serve.
Place each Alaska on a serving plate and wave a cook’s blow-torch lightly and quickly over each meringue to colour. This only takes seconds – take care to avoid over-scorching. Serve at once.
Finally to flambé: gently warm the kirsch in a small saucepan, making sure that it doesn’t boil. Pour it into a copper flambé jug, set alight then carefully pour over the Alaska’s to serve.

Negeri : Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart - Page 2 Selang10
Jawatan : penyelidik
Gender : Female
Jumlah Post : 1086
Umur : 38
Tarikh Register : 24/06/2009
Reputation : 17
Points : 6926

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Mutiara Kata saya: there's only one in my life..only you.

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Miau! Re: Koleksi Kek,Puding dan Tart

Post by riena beauty Tue 18 Aug 2009, 4:56 pm

riena beauty

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